Sexy New Year - Desires and Intentions

2021: Intentions and Desires

I’m not one for New Year’s Resolutions. However, I’m all about setting intentions and desires. Intentions can be a lot like resolutions, but they must be very achievable and I’ll only set a few. Desires can span from the achievable to the “out there” hopes and dreams. But if you don’t put desires out into the universe, how can it provide?!?

So here I go with my intentions and desires!

Intentions for 2021

Be Intentional!

OK – this may sound silly to set an intention as “be intentional” and after The Great Pause in 2020, aren’t we all being more intentional these days? Short answer, yes! However, I want to take this much further.

  1. Maintain the pace and intentionality that 2020 gifted us even when our life pace starts to pick up again.
  2. Be more intentional with my time and booking events. “Do less” but pick things that are more meaningful. Like smaller dinner parties of 4-6 instead of a cocktail party for 35.
  3. As hard as it has been to be unemployed for most of 2020, I want to be very intentional about what I do for work and not just “find a job”
  4. Intentional activities with Jeannie. Netflix and chill can be great, but how about some intentional gazing or tantric breathing instead?
  5. Speaking of Netflix… Only watch TV with intention. I don’t watch that much now, but I want to be more focused with my TV time.

Friendly Flirtations!

Regardless of how open (or closed) our marriage is in 2021, we have both agreed that we enjoy, and should continue, flirting. I’ve come to realize I often enjoy the chase more than the catch, so why not be more playful and have more fun with this?

Kink Explorations!

This will depend on COVID safety, but if/when it’s safe, I want to explore my kink further. Go to more kink-centric social events and play parties. Perhaps some workshops or conferences, too. I really want to hone in on what kink really does it for me. And in these COVID times, I want to dedicate more time to rope exploration – both with Jeannie and with Marni (the mannequin) so tying becomes more natural to me.

Desires for 2021

Where the intentions are ongoing, desires should be more specific, and measurable. And as mentioned earlier, they can and should be “reach goals”. It’s OK to not accomplish all of these, but we should be reaching for everything we desire! (NOTE: I’m only including the sexy desires here, I have a much longer list beyond these.)

  • Find a bisexual couple for ongoing 4-way play
  • Three FWBs (assuming we agree to be open as the world re-opens)
  • Attend an event (probably music) with Jeannie where she flirts with a guy and eventually tells him that to get to her he has to make out with me first
  • Host am intimate Kinksgiving party in November (assuming it’s safe to even consider this)
  • Travel for a play party retreat – preferably at a beach resort (again, if safe)

I’m still exercising this muscle so I may add to this list over the coming days, but wanted to get started!

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My wife is the love of my life and my absolute soulmate. So why are we exploring polyamory and other sexual experiences that are often considered socially unacceptable? Read on to find out! Spoiler Alert: These things are AWESOME and have strengthened our marriage in ways you might not expect. Or believe.

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